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  Barbetta still packs ’em in after 107 years. Founded by Sebastiano Maioglio in 1906, it’s the oldest Italian restaurant in New York, and the oldest Big Apple eatery still owned by the same family. What keeps luring diners in to the Hell’s Kitchen eatery?

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  A case in point is Ryan Braun, who this week accepted a 65-game ban (the remainder of the season) rather than challenge MLB’s evidence in an arbitration hearing. The Major League Baseball Players Association executive director signaled in an interview with the Daily News last week that the union was interested in seeing players make deals with the league in cases of “overwhelming” evidence.

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  About 400 people took to the streets of Rotterdam on Saturday to protest Dutch and European immigration policies. Protesters chanted "No one is illegal" as they made their way through the city. Police were out in force and the demonstration took place without incident.

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  Beth Berry Serrano, the sister of Amanda Berry, speaks to the press after Amanda Berry arrived at her sister's home on May 8, 2013 in Cleveland, Ohio. Three brothers have been arrested in connection with the kidnapping of three women, including Amanda Berry. They were found safe in a home after being missing for a decade, authorities said. There were more questions than answers the day after the stunning turn of events that began with a frantic arm sticking out of a screen door, a woman screaming for help, and a neighbor kicking in the door to free her in a working-class neighborhood of the city in the American heartland. Ariel Castro and his brothers - Pedro, 54, and Onil, 50 have been detained, authorities said. AFP PHOTO/Emmanuel Dunand  (Photo credit should read EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images)

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  Easing supply concerns pushed down oil prices, with Brentcrude for delivery in November down 1.5 percent, whileairline stocks notched up gains, led by Air France andIAG up 5.5 percent and 3.3 percent respectively.

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  Lichtenfeld said it's unclear whether more widespread use of the smart knife will actually help patients live longer and said studies should also look into whether the tool cuts down on patient's surgery times, their blood loss and rate of wound infections.

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  But the North&#039;s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea was quoted as saying: "We postpone the impending reunions of separated families until a normal atmosphere is created for talks and negotiations to be able to move forward."

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  But in the last weeks, state and federal courts refused to grant a stay of execution. Jones and another death-row inmate, Edward Schad, filed a lawsuit against the state to get the Arizona Department of Corrections to reveal the source of the barbiturate pentobarbital, which would be used in both men's executions. The two men appeared side by side on closed-circuit TV during the federal court hearings earlier this month.

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  â€œThey vehemently deny their guilt,” Joe Giudice’s lawyer, Miles Feinstein, said before the klassy couple sauntered into the Newark federal courthouse. “There's an assumption of innocence and they vehemently assert their innocence."

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  In use for three years, this technology is gradually turning the estate&#8217;s customs upside down. The owners have had to adapt the way they manage the vineyard and invest in new means of production.

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  With government dysfunction on full display in Washington, and the Federal Reserve continuing its policy of bond buying known as quantitative easing, some investors are feeling highly unsettled about the future of the U.S. dollar, which hit eight-and-a-half month lows on Friday against the euro and a basket of foreign currencies. So much so, they have decided to hold some cash in foreign currencies.

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  The legions of repeat guests to the seafood spot, Catch, is what led to the opening of Catch Miami earlier this year. With remarkable discipline, Hunyh and The Emm Group opened The General on the very same day. 

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  Last week, U.S. officials said one of the principal reasons U.S. Delta Force commandos staged a risky raid to capture al-Liby at his Tripoli residence was so the United States could gather intelligence from the former senior operative of the core al Qaeda organization founded by Osama bin Laden.

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  QVA149 is designed to treat chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease (COPD), a disease that causes breathing trouble andchronic coughing, and is sometimes fatal. It affects anestimated 210 million people worldwide.

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  Or consider Dimon&#8217;s visit to the Justice Department to meet Holder and negotiate. This evokes Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV&#8217;s barefoot trudge through the snow to beg pardon of the Pope. Yes, Dimon is entreating his adversary, and yes, he is making a show of being seen to do so, but he comes as one power acknowledging the province of another.

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  Aircraft maker Boeing said it is taking steps to deal with possible delays in jetliner deliveries, including its new 787 Dreamliner, because thousands of U.S. aviation officials needed to certify the planes have been idled.

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  He said: "I am writing to Theresa May to find out if she thinks this type of manipulative messaging to people in very difficult situations is appropriate or not. Did she authorise this campaign? And if not, does she approve of it? And will she commit to ending the use of this inflammatory language immediately?

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  &ldquo;It&rsquo;s not pressure, but I think they&rsquo;re actually saying, &lsquo;We&rsquo;re passing the baton on to you, it&rsquo;s for you take the baton up and be successful&rsquo;. I think that&rsquo;s the way it has been.&rdquo;

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  It is perhaps relevant to note that the 43 Senators vowing to block a vote on a CFPB director have collectively received nearly $143 million in campaign contributions from Wall Street and the financial and real estate industries &ndash; a sum untold multiples greater than any money to be had from the consumer, civil rights, labor, senior, small business and other groups arrayed on the other side of these issues.

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  That the Raspberry Pi Foundation has been able to shift well in excess of a million of its machines – don’t forget it was shipping Pis from China for months before the Sony factory came on stream – is a testament to the demand there is for this kind of tinkering toy. The Foundation says the Sony plant is currently churning out Pis at the rate of 40,000 a week.

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  Design features for the watch might include a curved glass display and Nineties-style slap-band design. Bluetooth and a 1.5-in screen have also been mentioned. But we won&rsquo;t know what the iWatch looks like until Apple unveils it &ndash; if it ever does.

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  While Cantwell and Murray are eager to protect Washington State ports from rivals in nearby British Columbia, their legislation would help U.S. ports nationwide, said Paul Bea an analyst with Ferguson Group LLC, a consultancy.

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  On Monday, US District Judge Timothy Black ruled in favor of John Arthur and James Obergefell, a Cincinnati couple who married in Maryland on July 11 and want the rights they earned in that state transferred to Ohio so that both men can be buried next to each other in the Arthur family plot, which is restricted to direct descendants and spouses. Mr. Arthur is suffering from a disease doctors have diagnosed as terminal.

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  â€œBefore I found out (the ankle) broke the second time (in April), every time I ran I would feel it. I didn’t say anything but I would feel it,” Jeter said. “So after we found out it was broken, then initially when I started running again, I was more curious than anything, but then a little scared to see how it would feel. But that was three weeks ago. Everything you do in a game, I’ve already done.”

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  Senior EU diplomats will meet on Monday to assess thesituation and consider possible action after what ItalianForeign Minister Emma Bonino called a "brutal, overwhelming andinexcusable" military reaction.

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  The NBA, slowly letting dates and games for the next season to be known, aren&#8217;t waiting around to give the people one of the most anticipated matchups of next season, scheduling the first meeting between the Houston Rockets & Dwight Howard and the Los Angeles Lakers & Kobe Bryant to November 7, less than two weeks into the new season.

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  According to Bloomberg, one such user &#150; Deborah Lagutaris &#151; said that LinkedIn blasted more than 3,000 of her contacts (allegedly using its aforementioned technique). This included those who had been CC'd on Lagutaris' various email messages, recipients who might have not even been in her actual contact book.

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  Marine insurers who have to calculate the cost of covering anew breed of large cargo and cruise vessels will be watching theproject on Giglio closely, as any problems could have asignificant impact on future insurance contracts.

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  Obama said he would work with allies as well as Russia and China, both of which have veto powers on the Security Council, to craft a U.N. resolution. He gave no timetable for how long he would wait for such talks to play out.

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  There has been speculation that Roche might branch out intothe lucrative area of rare or so-called orphan diseases, whichaffect only a small number of people, after reports it wasconsidering bids for two U.S.-based companies, AlexionPharmaceuticals and BioMarin Pharmaceuticals.

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  Justice Department lawyer Elaine Goldenberg told the justices that lawsuits like those filed by the Stanford investors have "a very particular effect on investor confidence and the integrity of the markets, which is one of the purposes of the securities laws."

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  "Breaking Bad" became a hot topic online on Sunday, as viewers discussed Walt's ending. The fifth season has garnered more than 23 million mentions on Facebook since August, and 3 million people posted about the finale on Sunday, according to data from Facebook.

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  Three laps later Webber spun and hit the wall, ending his race and prompting another appearance from the safety car. The race was disrupted again soon after as Timo Glock crashed and once racing managed to get fully under way, Vettel and Alonso tussled at the front.

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  He criticized the one-week postponement of the Ruto trial, saying the ICC acted emotionally rather than logically. He added he saw "short-term sympathy" over the mall attack but "for Kenya, not for Kenyatta".

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  Obama has decided to implement the health insurance exchanges before insurance mandates for businesses because of those within the Coporate structure attempting to sabotage it's implementation (full time to part time employee loop holes, etc.) . This way, citizens can shop for policies on exchanges before businesses could be mandated ensuring a smoother implementation for policy holders. In my opinion, it's a brilliant idea keeping Coporate sabotage efforts out of ACA's imiplementation for citizens.

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  Until men and women have equal rights to maternity and paternity pay (making men just as "dangerous" to employ as females), and attitudes catch up with the fact that either parent could be the best choice to be at home, I can't see this improving.

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  At the time of the 2011 deaths in DeSoto and St. Bernard parishes, officials could confirm the presence of the amoeba only in the homes of the deceased but not in the water systems. More advanced sampling technology is now available, so the water was tested.

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  "This isn&#039;t some kind of shanty town - all the houses were built legally, with official approval," he says. He built his home four years ago at a cost of about 3m roubles (£58,000; $91,000). He does not know if it will be habitable after the water subsides.

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  Current budget constraints prevent the United States from building ports, said Cronin, although some money for Oyster Bay could be sourced from a contingency budget aimed at supporting exercises and defense cooperation.

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  A mother from Clapham has described her shock when she found a fox in her daughters bedroom. Corporate Lawyer Jo Williams said she did a double take when she saw the fox licking the face of her daughter. Are you worried about foxes in your area?

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